【官方旗舰店】新SAT写作高分突破 新航道SAT图书.
- 产品名称:新SAT写作高分突破
- 书名:新SAT写作高分突破
- 作者:(美)ChunanChen主编
- 定价:58.00元
- 书名:新SAT写作高分突破
- 是否是套装:否
- 出版社名称:中国出版集团

Chapter 1 Read for Analyzing
Lesson 1 Identify the Author’s Argument 16
Lesson 2 Identify Claims while Reading 30
Lesson 3 Identify Evidence while Reading 41
Lesson 4 Notice Special Features while Reading 55
Chapter 2 Lay a Solid Foundation in Your Introduction
Lesson 1 Find the Focus for Your Analysis 68
Lesson 2 Organize Your Introduction 74
Chapter 3 Build Strong Body Paragraphs
Lesson 1 Make Topic Sentences 79
Lesson 2 Select Supporting Details: Evidence in the Text 85
Lesson 3 Organize a Supporting Paragraph 90
Chapter 4 Impress Your Readers with an Unforgettable Conclusion
Lesson 1 What Makes a Good Conclusion 96
Chapter 5 Use the Strategies You Learned
Lesson 1 Read the Passage for the Purpose of Analyzing 102
Lesson 2 Make a Topic Sentence Outline 115
Lesson 3 Make a Draft Essay from a Topic Sentence Outline 119
Chapter 6 Raise Your Scores Through Final Touches
Lesson 1 Polish Your Topic Sentences 125
Lesson 2 Ensure that Your Introduction Follows the Format 130
Lesson 3 Relate Evidence to Topic Sentences 133
Lesson 4 Check Sentence Structure and Conventions 138
Extra Essay Prompts for Practice 146
Answer Keys 171
Model Essays in Response to Extra Essay Prompts for Practice 193

本书面向(咨询特价)年改革后的新SAT考试,由美籍名师团队打造,旨在通过全程导向写作教学法,帮助考生逐步掌握新SAT essay考试的精髓。为了帮助中国学生逐步掌握必要的术语和词汇并达到美国大学对新生在读写方面的要求,本书完全采用美国高中毕业生能读懂的英语写成。全书的内容可分为三部分:第一部分是新SAT写作介绍,分别从“作文命题”、“作文评分”和“实例分析”3个部分细致分析了新SAT essay的设题方向和评分标准。第二部分用6个Chapter全面模拟了SAT essay的写作过程。由读到写,一步步引导学生从阅读、到分析、再到写作,实际体验SAT作文考试的全过程。章节中的每个lesson都配有同步练习,帮助学生复习、巩固所学内容。第三部分收录了6篇精选essay prompt,并提供了高品质范文。范文经资深语言专家打造、润色,逻辑合理,语言地道,是研习SAT essay的绝佳途径。